AlgoMinter to Lab Conversion Guide

4 min readApr 17, 2024

With the creation of AlgoMinter by Minner.algo, here is a guide to help you generate your images and mint them using our tools. I will be doing this as an ARC19 Demo as that is the recommended ARC to mint your NFTs in.

Step 1

Head to AlgoMinter, load in your layers and generate your art. When you are finished, a zip file will be downloaded and this contains your images and metadata. Each image is numbered and the metadata is contained in the arc69 json file. Unzip this folder.

Step 2

Convert your arc69 json file to a .csv file using this website. Upload the file to the website,click convert json to csv, and click download result.

Step 3

Head to, make an account, and download NFTup. If you have downloaded this tool you can skip to step 4.

Step 4

Once you’re logged into, head to API Keys and createe a new key. Once you have the key, copy it and open NFTup.

Step 5

Upload the zip file to NFTup and enter the API key you just recently copied. This will bulk upload all your images to IPFS to get them ready to mint. Once things are uploaded, NFTup will give you a CID address that points to all your images.

Step 6

Now that you have all your images uploaded and your metadata converted to a .csv file, download to the minting sheet for The Lab and get to work entering all the information to get things ready to mint. File > Download > CSV

Step 7

Start entering your information about the collection.

Here is an outline of all the fields:
name: Name of Asset (ex: tinyhorse 1)
unit_name: Asset Prefix (ex: tiny1)
image_ipfs_cid: ipfs CID (See above)
has_clawback: Y or N (For NFTs use N)
has_freeze: Y or N (For NFTs use N)
total_supply: Circulating supply (For NFTs use 1)
decimals: Fraction of the Asset (For NFTs use 0)
description: Enter a custom description for the asset
external_url: Enter your website or discord
mime_type: The type of file you’re minting (ex: image/png)
metadata_property_1: The trait category that counts for rarity (ex: metadata_property_Background) — Please note you can add as many as you want
metadata_extra_royalty: Preferred Royalty %
metadata_extra_token: ASA ID for Utility Token
metadata_extra_creator: Creator name
metadata_filter_1: The trait category that does not count for rarity (ex: metadata_filter_Background) — Please note you can add as many as you want

If you want to see a completed sheet, you can use this sample sheet as a guide:

In addition, here is the Full Guide.

Step 8

With the CID from NFTup, once you have that CID, simply paste it in image IPFS CID link with a / and then the file name. For example, if your CID is bafybeihpkb2ukhavu4eqaa4z3p273yafdkfstqrz7oxzvhcr53e5yomayi and your file is named 1.png, the output would be:


If you are using Microsoft Excel, once you modify the first two, you can press CTRL + E after highlight the remaining cells to have the rest of them autofill quick and easy.

Step 9

You’re ready to mint! Head to the ARC19 Minting Page, Log In with your wallet, enter your creator keys if you are minting more than 32 at once*, Enter your IPFS API Key from earlier, and upload the sheet. With ARC 19, I recommend only minting around 700 at once. We charge 0.1A/mint so make sure your account has enough to cover the Algo Min Balance of 0.1A, the tx fees, and the mint fees. If you are minting 1000 NFTs, have at least 205A in your wallet.

*We fully recommend rekeying to a burner wallet and using those keys and re-keying back when complete. We do not store any information, but this is best practice. For full information on Infinity Mode, see here.

Step 10

Press create transactions, this will upload the metadata to IPFS. Once this finishes, press Approve and Send to get your collection minted!

Please note it might take up to an hour for all the images to appear based on how outside websites resolve IPFS.




Community Manager and Strategy of Thurstober Digital Studios - A Digital Collectable Company